Full recipe at: www.simplysuwanee.com

A refreshing and tropical drink with boba pearls!

Mango Bubble Tea Recipe

Only 5 simple ingredients!

Mangoes, boba pearls, tea, honey and milk!

1. Choose your favorite ripe mangoes. 

2. Cook boba pearls  on the stovetop until the pearls float to  the top.

3. Drain, rinse in cold water, and place in a bowl.

4. Add honey or agave to sweeten the boba pearls. 

5. Prepare your mangoes. Peel the skin and slice the flesh. Champagne mangoes are excellent!

6. Add the slice mango, tea, and your milk of choice to a food processor. Blitz until smooth.

7.  Prepare your glass. Add boba pearls to your glasses.

8. Add the mango smoothie. Alternate between the pearls and mangoes. 

9. Stir together  using a large  straws for the  pearls!

Full recipe at: www.simplysuwanee.com